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I love reading practically any genres, except historical romance. However, I tend to read more contemporary than fantasy.

Currently reading

Brigid Kemmerer
Sapphire Blue (Precious Stone Trilogy, #2)
Kerstin Gier
Simone Elkeles
The 5th Wave
Rick Yancey

Foreplay: The Ivy Chronicles Book 1

Foreplay - Sophie Jordan After finishing this book, all I could think about was that it was cute. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't as good as I had expected. And based on the rating, I had expected a lot more than this. It was lack excitement and a bit of a cliché.

It started out pretty okay. Nothing special, but I could accept that. Then it kinda got a little boring and predictable. Reese was sweet, and hot, and Pepper was a tad pathetic, but not too annoying. I didn't understand their relationship. If the author didn't mention that they were in love, I wouldn't have realized that.

In general, the book was nice, but I have read better. I was bored at times, but it was a quick read, so I didn't suffer long.

Fighting to Forgive (Fighting, #2)

Fighting to Forgive (Fighting, #2) - J.B. Salsbury Everyone needs someone fighting in their corner...

I enjoyed reading this book. Well, I can't decide whether this one is better than the previous book. However, the characters and the ending are a little bit better than book 1.

Since most new adult books now normally focus on secrets, abusive past and bad parents, this one was not that different, but I really didn't mind much anyway. As long as the authors can keep me engaged in the stories, I have nothing to complain about.

Wanted (Book 1 Wanted Series)

Wanted - Kelly Elliott This book is at least 200 pages too long. The repetition drove me crazy, and the countless typos and grammatical errors didn't help either. I lost count of how many times Ellie and Gunner (what a stupid nickname!) mentioned their knees went weak just by seeing the other smiled, laughed. Besides, the author kept using "where" instead of "were", "staring" instead of "starring", "were" instead of "we're", present tense when it should have been past tense... and many other errors.

At the beginning I really enjoyed this book. Ellie was not that annoying at first, neither were the rest of the characters. By chapter 30 or so, everything went downhill. I couldn't tell how many times I rolled my eyes; maybe at least as many times as Ellie (and most of the female characters) cried. Even though the author tried to make Ellie sound sweet and innocent, she made Ellie (and Ari) curse like her life depended on it. For a sweet innocent girl, Ellie sure did know how to drop f-bombs.

If you like cheesy, unrealistic and dragging romance with lots of typos and grammatical errors and pathetic characters, knock yourself out.

All the Truth That's In Me

All the Truth That's in Me - Julie Berry I don't normally read historical fiction, but if there are more books as good as this one, I'm sure going to read more of this genre.

This book is hauntingly beautiful, and I love everything about it, even the parts that wrecked my heart.

The story was so captivating that I couldn't think of anything else, but this book - how Judith's life was going be, who had done that to her and why. Just several pages in, I wept like a baby. My heart ached for her and what she had to go through. Being shunned and discriminated against even when she herself was a victim was just so cruel beyond words could describe.

This is one of the books that I will find time to reread. Because once is not enough.

(Some) Favorite Quotes

"You are the sun in my world, and how can I endure to watch you set into another woman's arms?"

"If you'd let me, I'd kiss away your fear, and let you rest yourself upon me, and I, I would die beside you and count my self lucky."

"If you were mine I'd comfort you; if you were mine you'd need no comfort."

Unpretty: An Unloved Ones Prequel

Unpretty: An Unloved Ones Prequel - Kevin Richey Such a great prequel!!! The story kept me on edge the whole way through. Writing was flowing and easy to understand. The plot was engaging and I totally loved the suspense. The characters, on the other hand, could have been better with a little more background story. Again, it is a prequel, so I guess some details have been left out.

Dash & Lily's Book of Dares

Dash & Lily's Book of Dares - Rachel Cohn, David Levithan Actuallt rating 2.5

One word to describe this book is cute. I want to say that it blew my mind, but sadly I can't. However, I really liked the plot, and I thought the characters were adorable. What I didn't like is that the book was a bit dragging, so I was a little bored after finishng the first 8 chapters. The book was also kinda funny at first, and then it was kinda silly.


Fangirl - Rainbow Rowell Maybe because I am not into FanFiction or something, but I really, really didn't like this book. At all. I couldn't relate to the characters. They didn't seem to make much sense to me. Levi was ok, I guess. The humor was just silly and plot was boring.

Finding It

Finding It  - Cora Carmack Good thing it was a quick read. I did enjoyed it at first then things got a little dragging. I loved book 2 so much and comparing to that one, this book couldn't stand a chance. The characters weren't interesting and unrealistic. The story was predictable and kinda bland. I wish I had enjoyed it more, but it simply didn't live up to the expectation.

Maybe This Time

Maybe This Time - Chantal Fernando I kinda liked this book. It was fast-paced and even predictable and being unoriginal, it was still pretty entertaining. However, the characters were a real pain to read. The main male character, Reid, was such a jerk. Countless times he mistreated the girl he claimed to be deeply in love with. Calling her names, accusing her time and time again ... Yet, Summer didn't seem to mind. Bless her heart. Well, their relationship was toxic and mainly based on physical attraction.

The Spy's Secret Family (Harlequin Romantic Suspense)

The Spy's Secret Family - Cindy Dees The book started out kind of interesting, I guess. With Nick being held captive for 5 years and later being rescued by his wife, Laura. Mostly the book was about Nick trying to remember what had happened to him during the time he was locked up. The story was a tad disappointing and the characters were annoying, especially Laura.

Let it be Me

Let it be Me - Toni Aleo This is my first time reading a book from this author and she blew me away with her amazing storytelling skills. I didn't expect to enjoy the book this much since I am totally not a fan of books with cheating characters and domestic violence.

It was so realistic, even at times it frustrated me how Violet put up with Rob after what he had done. Seriously the guy was one of the most hated characters I have ever read. I was over the moon when she finally stood up for herself.

I truly appreciate the message within this book. That no one deserves to be abused in anyway, mentally or physically.

I Swear

I Swear - Lane  Davis I thought it was a nice book with great story and characters. However, the ending was a little disappointing and shocking to me.

The multiples characters made the story confusing at first since it was told from 5 different points of view. Besides, there were so many characters that I had to go back and forth to remember who was who. Or maybe I wasn't very focused when I read this book.

In general, I was intrigued and eager to know the story behind Leslie's suicide. Marcie had given a new definition to mean girl. I really hate that girl. And how those students let Marcie control them was beyond me. Which led to me not understanding why no one, not even Jake, had done something about it. That was ridiculous!

Real Ugly (Hard Rock Roots, #1)

Real Ugly (Hard Rock Roots, #1) - C.M. Stunich Everything about this book is too much for me. Talk about a toxic relationship. They couldn't get along since the beginning of the book, but still he claimed he was in love with her?! And there were blood in almost every single scene. If it wasn't from her cutting or biting him, it was from a fight. Just too much to handle, I guess.

The Bully Book: A Novel

The Bully Book - Eric Kahn Gale This is a nice book. I don't normally like middle grade fictions, but I did have a good time reading this one. However, the ending was not very satisfying.

One thing I find strange is that the substitute teacher turned a blind eye to all the torment Eric had to endure when those kids read aloud hurtful sentences about him in class.

The plot was well-developed and the characters were also well-written. I loved that Eric was strong enough to stand up for himself.

Cage (Corps Security, #2)

Cage (Corps Security, #2) - Harper Sloan First things first, this book is not a new adult book. Greg is 35 and Melissa is 29, so they have been adult way too long to be considered as "new".

I didn't like Greg much in book 1, and still didn't like him much in this book. I guess, I liked him a little bit more after finishing this. He was sweeter and hotter, but still a tad annoying.

The plot was better than book 1, but still too predictable and unrealistic. Some dialogues were just downright weird when a three-year-old spoke like a teen.
Love In Between (Love Series #1) - Sandi Lynn If only there were less awkward sex scenes... I'll review later. Maybe.