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I love reading practically any genres, except historical romance. However, I tend to read more contemporary than fantasy.

Currently reading

Brigid Kemmerer
Sapphire Blue (Precious Stone Trilogy, #2)
Kerstin Gier
Simone Elkeles
The 5th Wave
Rick Yancey
Are You Going to Kiss Me Now? - Sloane Tanen One word... Hilarious! It made me laugh so hard quite a few times. It is one of silliest books I have read so far. Well, it was silly, but not in a bad way. It might be neither very realistic nor original, but it sure was the kind of book I would read after reading an emotional one. It was that entertaining.

Francesca was so adorable with her wild red hair and sassy attitude. I liked how she adapted herself to the surrounding environment, but not the fact that she "killed" her father. Being with pretentious celebrities during this kind of situation was tough!

The way the author told the story was so captivating which made me unable to stop reading. Besides, the wording was very witty and amusing. I am going to check out more of Sloane Tanen's books.